First day, all in pink.

SK Methodist.

Bidding good bye.

1) Prose fiction
New experience i was really excited about
            It was a bright sunny morning, my hand reached to switch off the alarm; ‘bang’ I was on the floor. The first day of my School Based Experienced was today and this was definitely a great start. Rubbing my eyes trying to forget my hard fall from the bed, I took a shower and head straight to the dining table where my mother served me toast bread. It was sharp 7 in the morning and I arrived at Sekolah Kebangsaan Methodist.
            A feeling of worry hits me and I can feel my tiny heart beating 180 times per minute; slowly I took my first step into the school. ‘Poof’, a sense of belonging took over as many happy smiles greeted me. I can see little eyes staring with judgmental thoughts while wondering who is this lady walking into the school compound. I walked to the office still followed by tiny eyes and opened the door to find a familiar face showing her full set of teeth to me. My friend and I were doing our School Based Experienced together.
 “You came here to meet the headmistress? She is waiting for you” the clerk informed.
My friend and I walked into the headmistress room and gave our details to her. The headmistress looked kind and timid but few minutes after meeting her we were fired with a dozen of question regarding ourselves and our studies.
            It was 7.30 already the headmistress escorted us to the hall for the morning Assembly. The assembly went smoothly with no interruptions nor distractions till a Year 3 boy decided to barf his morning breakfast.
We can hear little voices shouting “teacher, teacher he vomit.”
My friend and I decided to help out the poor boy; hence we brought him to the washroom and cleaned him off. After that commotion we went back to the assembly. The headmistress introduced us to the whole school society and after the assembly she assigned us with a mentor to follow around.
            Ms Shila a 7 feet muscular yet very fashionable lady was the person in charge of us. She brought us to her first class. My friend and I walked in and took a seat behind the classroom. The topic Ms Shila thought was fresh fruits. The lesson was taking place and we could see children continuously turning their heads 90 degrees to see us. I took my phone to snap pictures of the teaching and learning process when suddenly I heard a yell. I started to search where the yell is coming from and it was Ms Shila angrily using her loud voice to discipline the class. The class went spiralling in the short moment, I took my phone out. A boy had pushed his classmate of her chair as she started complain about it to the teacher, other students took the opportunity to make the class into a morning market.  The two of us were trying to help Ms Shila control the class and out of nowhere I could see a figure standing by the door. Ms Shila’s period was over and it was time for Mathematics. We went back to the teachers’ lounge and hanged out there till the school ended.
            Time passed by and the clock struck 1.
‘Kringgggg….’ the sound of the school bell indicated that school had finished.
I quickly grabbed my bag and realised I was acting just like the kids studying in the school. In that moment I realized I was a teacher trainee and not a pupil who is studying in the school. I could hear my friend laughing and asking me to wait until 2 in the afternoon to leave. I sat back and stared the time ticking slowly by just like how I used to do a kid back in the old good days.

2) Prose non-fiction

                                                                                                                     No 42,JalanFajar,                                                                                                                       Taman Fajar,                                                                                                                              14300,Nbong Tbl,                                                                                                   Penang.              

                                                                                                                     6th April 2019

Dear Harvinth,

            Please take my friendly salute, I got your letter. You have asked me to write you about my School Based Experience and I am writing it below. How's life? I hope you are in the best of health. How are your parents? Please send my regards to them. I did my School Based Experience(SBE) at Sekolah Kebangsaan Methodist, Parit Buntar.

            Well, on the first day I woke up super early because I was very excited to meet the pupils of the school and to learn something new by gaining some new experiences. I wore a beautiful dress on the first day. My dad drove me to the school. I reached there around 7 in the morning and upon arriving I felt butterflies fluttering in my tummy. I could see different expressions which are weird, grumpy, some angry, some happy, some sad. I took a deep breath and took my first step. Out in the distance, I could see a familiar face smiling and waving her hand towards me. I took a closer look to find my friend Dhanya who was also doing her SBE in the same school. I walked towards her and we both went up to meet the headmistress.

            Later at the office we were greeted by a short timid woman named Puan Laila, the schools headmistress. She welcomed us with open hand despite the next second she fired us with so many questions. Dhanya and I were really tired after answering all her questions. She told us to head down to the hall for the Monday assembly. The assembly was painfully long and very boring as the emcee cramped the flow with many announcements. I could see pupils falling asleep like domino falling one by one. A teacher seated beside me was definitely in her deep sleep. I even heard her snoring. The lengthy assembly came to an end and we were allowed to meet our mentor. She looked like one of the teachers from a 90’s sitcom wearing a pale blue old fashioned blouse. She greeted us with hello.

            I forgot to mention, her name was Puan Patrice. Puan Patrice brought us to observe one of her Year one classes. Cheeky little kids they were. Harvinth you won’t believe me but at first glance you may be fooled by their cuteness and angle like look but once you get to know them, the devil in them comes out. The classroom definitely reminded me of the morning market near my house. Guess what though Harvinth, it did remind me of our schooling days. Can you reminisce those golden days? You were the chubby nerd kid while I was the cute girl in a ponytail and, look at us now.

            The next few days went by without any interesting events. The canteen food was definitely mouth-watering and even though Dhanya and I were given the privilege to sit in the teacher table at the canteen, we preferred to have our meals with the kids to mingle with them. The children all had many stories to share with us and were very excited to sit and eat with a teacher. They even shared their snacks with us. Friday arrived quickly and it was time for me and Dhanya to bid our good bye. I actually missed the kids. I bought the teachers who were super welcoming and helpful a cake to show my gratitude towards them.

            Okay, I guess I have to pen off now. Hope to see you in the next letter. Once again please convey my love and regards to my uncle and auntie. Take care!
                                                                                                               Sincerely,                                                                                                                                     Santhny.

3) Poetry

Teacher came in,
Students stood up,
A song titled morning,
Teacher did a heads up.

Routines got changed,
New faces around,
Special lessons were arranged,
We three were in the background,

Time ticked quick,
 Students were overloaded,
The teacher became a control freak,
I can’t forget this episode.

The bell went kring,
The students went mad,
We went for some chicken wing,
What a day I had.


  1. SEETHA THILLAISELVANApril 12, 2019 at 4:38 AM

    Wowwwwww!!! Very interesting and the way of writing the story is damn good. Your poetry also superb. Keep it up Santhu. Actually I was a former student of SK Methodist and all the things that you wrote up is very relatable. Good luck for your future as a teacher. ������

  2. Well done Santhny😊Your poem is awesome😊 Hoping that you enjoy teaching life in the future.

  3. Bring Back Nostalgic Memories When I Went To Standard One At SK Methodist In 1979. Thanks For The Memories. Excellent⭐⭐⭐

  4. Fantastic Essay brings back the memories & feel first day at New Working Environment . Thanks for the journey. ...

  5. As usual, your piece of thoughts is just as humour as you yourself, especially the sentence ''I could see pupils falling asleep like domino falling one by one''. OMG, haha! This is what we called read it for information and enjoyment at the same time!

  6. awesome write up dear shanthiny... truly enjoyed your master piece... keep up the good job..

  7. Great job... Hope you had a fun time for ur SBE sis!!! It definitely brought me back to my schooling days🎉


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