Prose fiction – Short story Best memories ever “Ti-ti! Tic-tic! Tic-tic-tic! Tic-tic!” I woke up to the sound of the alarm clock that came from my phone. From the middle of the most wonderful dream I was brought sharply into focus. I breathed long and slow. It’s 6.00 am. “Yes, today is that important day that I have been waiting for.” I uttered to myself. It’s not my first time experiencing this day, yet the excitement was still there. Since purple is my favourite colour, I chose to start my first day at school with purple baju kurung combined with a white satin shawl. “Tengku Anis”. I put up my name tag proudly while looking at the mirror. I drove my mom’s car that I named as Jazz to the school which took about 10 minutes to arrive. “Nice!” I yelled happily when I found a perfect place to park Jazz as there was a shady tree that will prevent Jazz from the scorching hot sun light. Your first day at school is always different depending on where you go. I have been to two di...